Embayed beaches are confined sedimentary systems nested within headlands, with minimum sedimentary connectivity with each other (Dehouck, Dupuis and Sénéchal, 2009; Sammut et al., 2017a). Embayed beaches are commonly formed alongside rocky coasts and are estimated to occupy half of the world's coastline (Inman and Nordstrom, 1971b). Despite their proximity, embayed beaches possess distinctive characteristics in their morphology, sediment composition, and sediment transport because of the prominent control of the headlands (Dehouck, Dupuis and Sénéchal, 2009; Hsu et al., 2010; Bowman, Rosas and Pranzini, 2014a). Therefore, each embayed beach should be examined as a distinct coastal environment due to its specific attributes associated with coastal topography, geology, and exposure to incoming waves